Privacy Policy / Sales / Logistics / Taxes


     We are committed to protecting your privacy while you use our website, as well as offering you the best experience you can have with our company. To achieve this we have implemented strict policies to make the processes work.


We are committed to protecting your privacy while you use our website.
This policy applies only to Innovcable websites.
If any links on our site indicate third party websites, these do not apply this policy.
This policy may be modified from time to time. We ask you to periodically review our policy to keep informed of any changes made. Your continued use of our site constitutes your agreement to our Policy and any modifications made to it.

Personal Information Collected:
"Personal Information" may be collected or submitted through this site that relates to you, that identifies you as a customer or potential customer of Innovcable for providing products, services and information directly to you. Innovcable requests your personal information so that we can understand your needs, determine whether Innovcable products, services or information meet your needs, and keep you informed about our products, services and information that may be of interest to you.
Personal information that you provide to Innovcable, via enquiry forms or email through the Innovcable website is treated in accordance with this privacy policy. Whenever we obtain personal information we endeavour to act in a manner that does not prejudice your rights and interests.
Through the formulation of appropriate security measures, Innovcable strives to prevent any leakage, loss, damage or unauthorised access to personal information that we obtain. Innovcable will use your personal information only for the performance of one or more of the following:
a. To perform the contracts entered into between you and Innovcable.
b. To send you information regarding the holding of events, etc.
c. To contact you about meetings or follow discussions.
d. To provide the after sales service for the products.
e. To send guides or materials for new products.
f. To provide various kinds of services to the members.
g. To perform stock related tasks.
h. To respond to various types of enquiries.
i. To carry out analysis of product or service improvement, based on surveys.
Normally your personal information is used to respond to enquiries or process your order. This information may be shared with other Innovcable companies if necessary to fulfill your request or for related purposes.
We may share the personal information you have provided to other companies that we have contracted to provide services to us. These companies are contractually bound only to perform the services they have been contracted to perform.

About the use of cookies:
To assist customers in using Innovcable's websites more conveniently, we may use cookies. By adjusting web browser settings, customers can refuse cookies or display warnings when cookies are installed. For further details, please refer to your browser documentation. Please understand that by refusing the use of may prevent the use of all or part of the services provided by the Innovcable site.
A cookie is a piece of information that enables the interaction between the web server that manages a site and a client's web browser. A cookie can be stored as a file on the disc of the client's computer. When a cookie is used, the web server can record information, such as the computer that visited the site pages. However, Innovcable cannot identify an individual customer unless the customer enters his or her own personal information on the site.

Use, disclosure and retention of personal data collected:
Innovcable will not use or disclose your personal information for purposes other than for those purposes it has received or as set out in this Policy.
Unless your prior consent has been obtained, Innovcable will not provide your personal information to third parties. However, in any of the following cases We may provide information to third parties without your prior consent:
a. By legal force.
b. If you work at Innovcable.
c. If it is necessary in order to protect the lives, persons or property of individuals. or by force majeure.
d. If it is necessary to cooperate with government institutions or any entities acting on your behalf for the execution of any business, and there is concern that your consent may impede the execution of such business.
e. When entrusted with the management of personal information in the range of activities necessary to achieve the purpose of the use.
f. To continue the activities of the business, to business related facts.
To provide partner companies or companies in the same group with personal information (such as names, locations, home addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, e-mail addresses, etc.) In such cases, the customer's personal information is provided on paper or electronic media. The customer may request not to provide their personal information.
When a client contacts Innovcable by telephone, the conversation may be recorded to help provide accurate answers.



General Conditions:

The CONTRACTING PARTY declares its knowledge about taxes, (taxes, rates and improvement contribution), compulsory loans, social contributions, charges and/or legal obligations that may be created, altered or extinct, after the date of presentation of the proposal, and that have repercussions in the prices, which will imply the revision of these for more or less, as detailed in "Other Information".
Adjustment for wires and cables: base price LME international copper exchange quotation of the previous week.
Any variation higher or lower than 5% will be adjusted proportionally to the participation of copper in the products. The proposed prices will be subject to readjustment on the invoicing date, passing on the variations resulting from the copper quotation (LME), plastic materials derived from Petroleum and the incident exchange rate variation.
In the price updating, the incidence of copper in the cables will be adopted: 70%.
Standard conditioning (coils) offered by our company free of charge.
Manufacturing Tolerance: Packaging on reels +/- 10%.
INNOVCABLE is a registered trademark.
Minimum billing: R$3.000,00
Carefully analyse all technical details (conductor formation, vein and cap colours, packaging, length of pitches, etc.) and commercial details (minimum quantity, payment term, etc.).
This procedure aims to meet the requirements of the quality system standard. In case of doubt or divergence, please contact the INNOVCABLE team. The prices and minimum delivery quantities are valid for the total of our offer. For partial negotiations, prices and quantities are subject to revision.

All materials supplied by us are subjected to testing in accordance with the relevant specifications. Upon request, at the time of signing the Purchase Order/Contract, we can provide a copy of the test report free of charge. Should you wish to inspect the material or indicate an inspecting company, this must be indicated on the Purchase Order/Supply Contract and INNOVCABLE will communicate the date of the inspection 15 (fifteen) days in advance. If the inspector does not
confirm his presence within this period, we will proceed to perform the tests, as foreseen in the agreed specifications, and once approved, we will arrange for the materials to be dispatched to the contractual delivery location, accompanied by the respective test report.

The prices in this proposal are for standard packaging and the reels are included. Special packaging will be charged separately according to the table below and invoiced when the material is shipped, highlighted on the NF as "other incidental expenses".
Size 65 - Value informed when closing the order.
Size 80 - Value informed when closing the order.
Size 100 - Value informed at the closing of the order
Size 125/150 - Value entered when the order is closed.
Size 170 - Value informed at the closing of the order.

If approval or increase of the Credit Limit is required, we inform the list of documents necessary for analysis:
a) social contract or minutes of incorporation;
b) last contractual alteration;
c) updated registration form (commercial references);
d) balance sheet from the last consolidated fiscal year (Above R$ 15.000,00).
For 'S.A.' companies, send only the copy of the Balance Sheet for the last closed fiscal year and updated registration form.
The place of payment will always be the Seller's.

Delays in settling payments for which the CONTRACTING PARTY is responsible will result in a default fine of 10% (ten percent), interest of 6% (six percent) per month and monetary correction calculated on the basis of the Consumer Price Index ('IPC/FIPE'), as late payment and compensation for any financial burdens borne by Innovcable. We are a Real Profit taxpayer. Correction and interest will be calculated 'pro rata die', from the day after the due date until the date of actual payment.
In the event of late payment, Innovcable may, at its sole discretion and without incurring any liability or penalty, interrupt or suspend delivery of the products.
The CONTRACTING PARTY declares that it is aware of the possible variations in the price of copper, the most important input in manufacturing, as well as the financial operation carried out by Innovcable in order to guarantee the price of this input, when confirming the intention to purchase/Purchase Order/Contract.
It is hereby authorized to discount securities issued so that it can comply with its delivery obligation; such refusal to discount may result in a delay in delivery.
The TAX SUBSTITUTION regime is provided for in the Federal Constitution of 1988, article 150, paragraph 7 (the subject products/states are listed in Agreements, Protocols and State Legislation), which establishes that the law may attribute to a taxable person the condition of being responsible for the payment of tax or contribution, in the collection of the tax due in subsequent operations, before the occurrence of the taxable event. In other words, before the goods are subsequently shipped or circulated, the corresponding tax must be
must be withheld and collected. In this case, when INNOVCABLE sells goods subject to the tax substitution system, the ICMS due on subsequent operations to the final consumer must be withheld, and the amount will also be applied to sales to ICMS CONTRIBUTORS as Final Consumers. In the case of invoicing to a company NOT CONTRIBUTING ICMS, prices will need to be recalculated taking into account the full rate of the State of São Paulo, i.e. 18.0% (eighteen percent). If the state to be shipped to requires DIFAL to be charged, this will be added to the invoice.
It is the CONTRACTING PARTY'S responsibility to state on the purchase order the purpose for which the material will be used: industrialization, resale or use and consumption. This information is essential because each type of sale requires a different tax operation. If the invoice is issued incorrectly, it will be canceled, as it is not permitted to issue a correction letter. Orders that do not state what the material will be used for will be rejected, which will result in a delay in delivery.
In the case of TAX SUBSTITUTION for products destined for RETAIL, the taxed VAT will be added to the invoice and when it is invoiced.
In the event of cancellation, INNOVCABLE will issue an invoice, due in cash, including all resulting expenses, less any amounts received from the contractor to date.
In any event of termination, the parties will settle the accounts, taking into account the value of the services performed and/or committed and the expenses arising from the termination for INNOVCABLE, against the value of the payments hitherto received by this contractor.
-00 to 05 days after receipt of the Order - 20% of the value of the Order
-06 to 15 days after receipt of the Order - 50% of the value of the Order
-16 to 25 days after receipt of the Order - 75% of the Order value
-26 days after receipt of the order - 100% of the order value

8544.20.00 - Coaxial cables and other coaxial electrical conductors - IPI 5%
8544.49.00 - Other electric conductors, for voltage not exceeding 1000V - IPI 0%
8544.60.00 - Other electrical conductors, for voltage exceeding 1000V - IPI 3.25%