Market - Automation and Industry 4.0

Automation and Industry 4.0Market

Automation, an indispensable component for the success of Industry 3.0 from the mid-70's, is facing new challenges called by Germany as Industry 4.0 and USA as smart factories, this new component is a factor for success. Our cables are ready to help transmit signals, data and energy within the context of this new industry. We are ready for this new era, welcome industry 4.0

Internet of Things systems (IoTs), Cybersecurity, Cloud Computing, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence will profoundly change society in the coming years, requiring improvements in almost all aspects of professionals, equipment and processes. Such demands require cables that meet specific protocols, mobile applications both in cable trays, robots and other systems.

Another aspect that must be addressed is that of energy management,improving energy efficiency requires awareness of energy consumption behaviour at the production line and machine level. Smart meters can provide real-time data and make decisions based on their capabilities and in collaboration with external services and required cabling for such procedures.

Production will be optimised with minimal human intervention, monitoring the production system and collecting performance data in real time has a positive impact on improving proactive maintenance.

The transport of energy and signals will occur within the old and new parameters, requiring a high degree of knowledge in this implementation. Professionals and experts with the knowledge and willingness to help in any aspect or need are required.

When a great change or revolution of this magnitude occurs, a new market model is created, where in its beginning, the so-called "entrance barrier", that is, the difficulty imposed on new entrants to the market is very high, as few companies know about this new world that has been unveiled, however, a "race" is initiated in order to participate in this new market.

Stay ahead, count on our support.