Orce Conosco

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    Av. Minasa, 25 - Sumaré-SP - CEP 13180-400 - Condominio Industrial Business Park

    Sumaré/SP (Factory): +55 19 3090-3350
    São Paulo/SP: +55 11 3090-6855
    Rio de Janeiro/RJ: +55 21 2042-0087

    WhatsApp: +55 19 98100-0711

    Customer service

    E-mail: innovcable@innovcable.com.br

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    E-mail: compras@innovcable.com.br

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    Financial Dept.

    E-mail: financeiro@innovcable.com.br

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    HR Dept.

    E-mail: rh@innovcable.com.br

    Engineering and Quality Dept.

    E-mail: engenharia@innovcable.com.br

    Innovation Information

    E-mail: engenharia@innovcable.com.br

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